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Seven Tips To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

 Default Author • Nov 18, 2018

Working in an office inevitably brings with it a set of social challenges, as you interact and build relationships with your co-workers. Every day can bring its own set of challenges which require tact and diplomacy to handle: how do you draw out that super-shy colleague you’re partnering with on a project? Or how to remove the sting from your words when you’re annoyed with a colleague? Quite apart from business, there are also personal issues to tackle, such as showing a co-worker who’s going through a stressful time that you’re there for support.

Having interpersonal skills is vital if you’re to do well in- or even gain- a job. With 60% of employers saying that most applicants do not exhibit enough evidence of social skills to be considered for a role, it’s time to brush up on your social skills and bring what you’ve learned outside work to the office.

1. Cultivate a positive outlook. People naturally gravitate towards a colleague who is upbeat and optimistic. These workers more likely to respond in a positive manner to challenging situations within the office, thereby lifting the mood of fellow co-workers; additionally, they also happen to be 12% more productive. With that in mind, teach yourself to be positive. Look for solutions, rather than challenges; if you’re feeling unhappy or stressed at work, speak to a co-worker or your supervisor for support. Take the time to help out co-workers, and even mediate for 2-3 minutes a day. Take care of yourself; invariably, this attitude will transfer to your work and create a positive relationship with your colleagues.

2. Acknowledge others’ expertise. One of the best ways to build trust at work is to let your co-workers know you appreciate their expertise. Ask for their help on projects, and be sure to give credit where credit is due. Feedback is vital in raising other people’s morale and in building a good working relationship with them: don’t be afraid to give constructive criticism, or praise somebody when they’ve done a good job. Build a reputation for yourself as a caring person.

3. Show a real interest in your colleagues. You work closely with colleagues for eight hours every day, so it’s only logical that you’ll learn something about their lives. For example, someone might be planning to get married while another colleague is learning a new skill outside work. Take the time to get to know what’s important to your co-workers, either during the day or by having a chat with them during your coffee breaks. Take advantage of work nights out to bond and make friends; work will progress much more smoothly and efficiently if you get on well with your colleagues.

4. Be an active listener. Practicing active listening is an excellent habit to maintain, whether in your personal or professional life. Active listening is about showing the person that’s talking that you hear and understand them: you can do this by maintaining eye contact with the speaker, nodding your head, and repeating what they say in your own words. Not only will you develop a better understanding of them, but your colleague will feel respected and understood; in addition, you’re more likely to be able to recall the conversation more easily afterwards.

5. Be assertive. Navigating the trials of office life successfully- and in a way that may even earn you a promotion, as well as your colleagues’ respect- is all about being assertive. Be confident in your abilities, and don’t be afraid to express your needs and opinion, as well as your limits. Assertive people often walk the perfect middle ground between imposing their view on others and bending to peoples’ opinions; they will find the perfect solution that fits everybody clearly, and won’t be upset if their opinion isn’t the one that is finally chosen. Being confident and assured also means that they are able to view their work objectively, without letting pride get in the way: by being more assertive, you’ll gain a reputation for being an efficient worker, rather than an abrasive or passive one.

6. Practice empathy. Being an empathetic worker can be invaluable when it comes to building relationships with colleagues. Gain a well-rounded view of things, and of people’s behaviour, by putting yourself in their shoes. This will help you develop empathy for others and better understand their needs. It’s also important to examine your own attitude: are you being too subjective, or are you more concerned with getting your own way? By being open-minded, and bearing other people’s needs in mind, you will be better equipped to find solutions that work for all involved.

7. Maintain your relationships. Don’t let “out of sight, out of mind” ruin the relationships you’ve carefully built up over the years. With 380 million people on LinkedIn and 968 million on Facebook, the internet makes it easier than ever to stay connected with others. Connect with school friends and former colleagues, send them emails, and try to set up face-to-face meetings now and then. Not only will you be able to swap advice and even set up meetings with other people, but keeping in touch shows your connections and friends that you still value your relationship—and that can go a long way in helping you advance your career.

Even if you don’t work in customer service, sales, or PR, interpersonal skill will form an integral part of your professional toolbox during your career. From collaborating on a project with an insecure colleague to liaising with an important external stakeholder, you need the confidence, empathy, and communication skills to make the most of every interaction. By doing so, you’ll gain allies and simultaneously demonstrate to your supervisor that you’re capable of bringing out the best in others. And that’s a key aspect of career advancement.

12 Feb, 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, many of us find ourselves at crossroads, contemplating a change in career or seeking new opportunities to ignite our passion.
by Shazamme System User 07 Sept, 2023
Summer is over. September is here. For you lovers of the summer, this can often bring feelings of the blues, but September can represent a time for a fresh start. This time of the year can offer many opportunities for job hunters to find a new job that aligns with their skills, goals, and experience. Check out our top tips on how you can land your dream job this time around (and why you should work with Kelly). 1. Get Clear On Your Goals First and foremost, you must have a clear objective of what you want for your career. Searching for a new job can bring feelings of excitement and motivation but it can also be overwhelming for applicants. Having an idea of what industries, you would like to work in, the timeline in which you would like to find a job, and the companies you’re interested in will reduce those negative feelings but will also give you a sense of direction and focus. 2. Update Your CV The next thing you should look at is improving and updating your CV. Have you demonstrated your most valuable skills? Have you highlighted your most important accomplishments and achievements? Have you included your personal websites, business profiles, and your LinkedIn profile? These are some of the many things to consider when updating your CV. Job applicants should also keep in mind that you should adjust your CV for every job you apply for. You should customize your CV so that it reflects the job you’re applying for.  3. Work with a Recruiter Are you aware of the benefits of working with a recruiter? Recruiters are experts in the hiring industry. They can help save you a significant amount of time during your job search as they know exactly what jobs are available in the market and they can match you with a role that aligns with your experience. Recruitment consultants can help you improve your CV and cover letter as well as make sure you are prepared for interviews. If you would like to read more about the benefits of working with a recruiter, click here . September is an excellent time of the year to find that new opportunity that you have been longing for. By following these tips, you should be on the right course to navigate the job market and find a role that suits you. It’s important to stay positive during your job search as it can sometimes be a lengthy process. But just remember, the right opportunity can take time. If you would like assistance during your job search, please do not hesitate to reach out and email us at info@kellyservices. Or click here to search our latest vacancies and apply today!
28 Aug, 2023
Rephrasing the famous song, “Love is in the air”, let’s talk about change is in the air – and everywhere. We grow. We change. Look at your childhood photos. Watch your kid, your nephew, your niece. The change is there, and it’s incredible. Nature is constantly changing. We wait for summer as the time to enjoy outdoor activities and gardening, for a quick visit to the beach, or simply take time to relax and spend time with family, friends and loved ones. We wait for winter (even if we never see snow falling) to decorate the house for the holidays, pack presents for the people we love and unpack our own. The colour of the leaves changes, the weather shifts, and flowers blossom in their time – the landscape is constantly transforming. The world around us is changing. We travel to other countries and learn new things, cultures and languages. We take on new hobbies. We get new skills. After a couple of minor kitchen accidents (sometimes), we can cook delicious dishes and get compliments from family and friends. We transform our bodies at the gym or simply by creating the habit of walking every day. We meet new people, we sometimes fall in love, we build families, we have kids. And if you step back for a second, you realise you might have met your other half by pure accident. But you took a leap of faith into the unknown. We embrace many types of unknown change, except for the one that can change how we live five days a week – to change jobs. “I am too old/too young to change”, “I’m used to this environment; It’s my comfort zone”, “Well, I don’t get any promotion, and what I do doesn’t change the world, but it’s stable”, “I am afraid to ask for more interesting projects. What if my manager fires me?”. We often don’t want to change because that step requires a vision, courage, external support, and a leap of faith into the unknown. Scary? Yes. But also promising. A step into the unknown? Yes. But it can open a new door. Do your inner values marry what you do? Yes, it is essential. There is nothing terrible about staying in your comfort zone. At some stage of your career, staying put can be an excellent decision. But if you feel that you need a change – talk to Kelly. We don’t mind going the extra mile and support your wish to embrace the change. The one which will give meaning to what you do, feel proud, motivated and fulfilled. Ready for changing? We’ll make sure your talent can truly shine.
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